Why is everyone wearing an old band T-shirt to work today?

Are you wearing an old band t-shirt to work today?Are you wearing an old band t-shirt to work today?
Are you wearing an old band t-shirt to work today?
Wondering why your workmates are showing up at work in a selection of moth-eaten T-shirts rather than their usual shirt and tie?

That’s because today (Friday November 7) is Wear Your Old Band T-Shirt To Work Day - when we throw on the wearable rock merchandise we picked up at rock gigs in our youth (and can still fit into).

Celebrating its 10th year, this celebration of sartorial elegance was kicked off by BBC 6 Music presenter Steve Lamacq back in 2007, and the likes of Kate Moss, Simon Pegg, Debbie Harry, AC/DC, Brian Cox and Pete Townshend have taken part in previous years.

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This year, legendary Factory records designer Peter Saville has created a signature design for T-Shirt Day 2017. Saville designed Joy Division’s ‘Unknown Pleasures’ album cover which itself won the Best Band T-Shirt vote for T-Shirt Day in 2015. He will be joining Lamacq in the studio to discuss his design.

“T-Shirt Day was originally aimed at finding an excuse for music fans to unearth one of their old band t-shirts and wear it to work for a day,” says Lamacq, describing old rock-themed clothing as “a bit like a badge of honour - a sign of allegiance to the artists we’ve loved and perhaps lost, and T-Shirt Day ensures they’re not left languishing neglected at the bottom of a drawer somewhere.”

Rather than being focused on Lamacq’s early evening show as it was in its early days, the ‘Day’ will run from 7am - 7pm, and any of the daytime shows on 6 Music will play a song by the band on your T - as long as you can prove you’re wearing it, of course.

So, you might need to nip home at lunchtime, or if you knock off early have a root around your wardrobe before 7pm, and tweet @BBC6Music your request as a selfie using the #TShirtDay hashtag. You can also submit your request by tagging 6 Music on Instagram or by posting your photo on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/905643466255992.To celebrate Wear Your Old Band T-shirt To Work Day, here’s a Top 10 of our favourites…