An EastEnders director was sacked after bringing coronavirus to work - could the same happen to you?

An EastEnders director has reportedly been fired after showing up to work at the TV programme’s set, despite having Covid-19 symptoms.

According to The Sun, EastEnders bosses have decided to let one of the soap’s assistant directors go after turning up for work when they were feeling unwell and had already taken a Covid-19 test.

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What happened?

Jo Nugent spent two days on set while waiting for results of a Covid-19 test, the newspaper reports. It was only after the test results came back positive that Nugent allegedly admitted to experiencing symptoms.

The director was then reportedly let go for breaching coronavirus safety rules, with a source stating, “Senior actors were livid and felt let down. There was talk of mutiny. He was given the boot, partly to assuage cast members.”

A BBC spokesperson said, “We can confirm that two members of the EastEnders team have tested positive for coronavirus and they are now self-isolating at home following the latest government guidelines.

“We have rigorous protocols in place to manage Covid-19 as the safety of all those involved in the production is paramount.”

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