Weird EU referendum stories you may have missed through the night

Lindsay Lohan. Pic Andrew F. Kazmierski/ShutterstockLindsay Lohan. Pic Andrew F. Kazmierski/Shutterstock
Lindsay Lohan. Pic Andrew F. Kazmierski/Shutterstock
If you've been glued to the telly all night watching the results come in you might have missed some referendum stories that aren't all about the numbers.

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Lindsay Lohan getting involved

American star Lindsay Lohan dabbled in the EU Referendum after the pound dropped in response to Sunderland’s large leave vote.

The city’s voters were 61% in favour of leaving the EU, with 82,394 opting to part company with the Union.

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After spotting the results from Sunderland, Lohan, who appears to be a Remain supporter, tweeted: “Where’s Sunderland? Does Sarah Palin live there? Lol”

Twitter users then filled her in on the geography.

In response from a tweet from The Independent reporting on a drop in the pound after the Sunderland result, she said: “Prove the UK will not trigger anger by allowing (Sunderland) to lower the UK pound.”

We’re not entirely sure what any of this means, but that’s what she had to say, anyway. We hope you feel enlightened as a result.

Nigel Farage conceding defeat

Nigel Farage told Sky News he though it ‘looks like remain will edge it’.

... and then un-conceding it

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“We are winning this war” claimed Farage as he thanked voters with ‘guts’ to vote Leave.

There was a Tyneside Derby ...

Sunderland has long prided itself on declaring the first results on election nights, bringing in millions of pounds of free publicity as the eyes of the world fall on the city.

But Newcastle is pulled out all the stops to beat their neighbours to declaring their results.

Sunderland delivered the first result in the UK in favour of Leave and while Newcastle pipped them to the post with a Remain vote, it was not as strongly in favour of remain as expected.

Some people tried to forget about politics for a while ...

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In Edinburgh, the Scots decided to put the campaign to one side as folk band Lau organised a “flashmob ceilidh” outside the parliament building. Scottish politicians and their staff joined hundreds of members of the public outside Holyrood to show cross party support for a vote to stay in the EU.

Then people started getting competitive about which polling place was the nicest

#Prettiestpollingstation was trending for a time on Twitter, with voters having their say on the issues that matter ... such as which polling place has the nicest brick work.

Early front runners included Elizabeth Gaskill’s house in Manchester, The Hermit Inn, in Illkley, Yorkshire and the Shropshire Wildlife Trust building in Shrewsbury.

... and which dog was the cutest