Boris Johnson reacts as Germany considers ruling out Oxford vaccine for over-65s

Public Health England (PHE) have defended use of the vaccine in older age groups (Photo: Getty Images)Public Health England (PHE) have defended use of the vaccine in older age groups (Photo: Getty Images)
Public Health England (PHE) have defended use of the vaccine in older age groups (Photo: Getty Images)

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has rejected the ruling by Germany not to recommend the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine to those aged 65 and over.

German advisers have said there was insufficient data about the effectiveness of the jab in older age groups, and as such should only be given to people aged 18 to 64 for now.

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‘A good immune response’

Mr Johnson has said he is not concerned by the ruling and argued that evidence shows the vaccine does provide a good immune response across both young and older age groups.

He backed the advice from the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and said he did agree with the verdict in Germany, stating: “I think the MHRA, our own authorities have made it very clear that they think the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is very good and efficacious, gives a high degree of protection after just one dose and even more after two doses.

“And the evidence they’ve supplied is they think it’s effective across all age groups and provide a good immune response across all age groups.”

The Prime Minister joined Public Health England (PHE) in defending use of the jab after a draft recommendation from Germany’s vaccination advisory committee said the lack of data for this age group meant it should not yet be recommended to the over 65s.